40 day Challenge
The forty day challenge give persons a quick restart to drop bodyfat build muscle and drastically lose weight. Persons on previous forty day challenges have lost between 15 and 40lbs in weight whilst utilising our techniques and processes. The forty day challenge was created in April 2020 with the intention to quickly improve metabolic health. As the world at the time moved towards coping with the pandemic, persons wanted a guaranteed approach for improving their baseline health (blood pressure, weightloss, stable blood sugar and improved energy). Since we've introduced three forty day challenges per year. (January, April & September) The challenge coaches mindful eating and teaches strategies and how to manage food intake whilst improving body composition. Persons come away from the challenge not only with results but with information on how to eat properly in a world of highly addictive foods.
Behavioural modification techniques are at the center of the process we utilise to help persons focus on their goals and create major lifestyle modifications with improved health markers and results. Not only do we coach peraons on their specific caloric and macronutrient intake, we educate on the importance of supplementation of micronutrients and coping mechanisms for dealing with food addiction. The program is a structured community with various different pathways to meet you at your level of current understanding and performance. Once you sign up, you'll be allocated to a process based on the uploads you make about your current situation and goals.
January 13th - February 22th
Gym Madness
A more Engaging & Enjoying way to get back in shape / Remain in shape
Every Last Thursday of each month