Jae Edwards

Comprehensive Consultation with Functional Diagnostic Health Practitioner (50 mins)

Sale price Price $200.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

Nutritionist High Performance/Executive Wellness Coach Jae Edwards

Well design, coordinate and monitor a range of dietary plans with the goal of improving the health and wellbeing of a client, as well as educating them on the subject of personal nutrition. Regular visits to the doctor are a good way to manage chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, cholesterol or diabetes, but sometimes you need a closer look to fully comprehend how food could be affecting your health. Our SpryIn Nutrition Specialists can assess any lab results and help create a
comprehensive eating guide to keep you on track thus providing personally tailored nutritional advice. Food is fuel for your brain and it directly affects the function of your entire system. Nutrition is more than merely counting calories, it’s a complex science that’s very specific to you.

Therefore, a tailored eating plan, navigating food allergies, sensitivities, weight gain, self-image and overall nutritional understanding will surely improve your health and wellness. During your initial telehealth consultation, a highly-trained member of Jae Edwards Functional Diagnostic Health Practitioner team will extensively explore your case, getting to the root facets of why you feel the way you do, review any past labs you may have, and answer your questions. This one-on-one visit lasts roughly one hour, in which we will also determine if any functional medicine labs or

advanced protocols are needed, and if so, which ones would be best. After the consultation, the team works directly with Jae Edwards on your health case to develop a tailored plan fit just for you, that will surely improve your lifestyle goals and overall health.